Multi-media Access
 your source for training

 let us know how we can help you succeed
Online Safety Courses
 Cut training time in half
 Reduce travel and outside
    training costs
 Training anywhere, any time
 Reduce injuries and losses at
    your workplace
 Reduce OSHA Compliance
    Training costs
 Provide documentation for an
    OSHA training audit
We Can Help...
Safety courses from Multi-media Access have been helping organizations train their employees about workplace safety for over 20 years.

How can we help you?

For a Limited Time Only!
Get 10 online safety courses for only $3.50 a month per worker!
We Even Do Custom Courseware!
Multi-media Access is a full-service training company, using our extensive multimedia training expertise to make our customers successful in the implementation of computerized training. Based on your needs, we can deliver off-the-shelf instant training, customization services or even full custom training production!
Our customers say, "The Multi-media Access support and service we receive has made our training a success." See for yourself, the difference that we can make in your success with computerized training. Call us today for a free estimate!